Full Blast One-man Sonic Madness


The artist need your support!

One of my friend in UK "Russ Has Well" uploading rare tracks on his bandcamp.
Please buy and download them via link below.

Norwegian heavy noisy band MoE had to cancelled all of their tour date. Please support via bandcamp below. PAINJERK contributed their album "Examination of The Eye of A Horse".

Due to lockdown USA, Prurient / Vatican Shadow / Hospital Productions cannot do activities now. Please visit Hospital Productions website and buy merchandise (Physical or Digital) and support!

Horrible situation in Spain, One of my friend EVOL has running a label named ALKU. Please access to ALKU website and click "purchase" section. Please support! 

PAINJERK expired a credit-card while spent long days in Europe 2016. but he is applying to bank and waiting debit-card now. Until he can open to bandcamp page, Please support via Culture discs & tapes in this big pinch... This is true crisis.


BAD News...

Due to COVID-19 issue like invisible war condition, All scheduled gigs have been canceled. (i.e. no income)


Short Footage

Live at Earthdom, Tokyo 29 Dec. 2019